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Carbetocin Versus Oxytocin for Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Cesarean Section
Received: 10 Nov 2020 | Received in revised form: 30 Dec 2020
Accepted: 07 Jan 2021 | Available online: 08 Feb 2021Ali GÜRSOYa, Erdin İLTERa, Aygen ÇELİKa, Berna HALİLOĞLU PEKERa, Talat Ercan ŞERİFSOYb, Kemal ATASAYANc, Ümit ÖZEKİCİa
aDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul, TURKEY
bDepartment of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul, TURKEY
cDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bezmiâlem University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul, TURKEY
J Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2021;31(1):20-7
DOI: 10.5336/jcog.2020-79994
Article Language: EN
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Objective: We aimed to compare the haemodynamic effects of carbetocin and oxytocin in preventing postpartum hemorrhage during cesarean delivery. Material and Methods: This study was conducted retrospectively in a university hospital. Women in the carbetocin group (n=42) and women in the oxytocin group (n=78) were evaluated in terms of changes in hemoglobin level, hematocrit level, uterotonic need, urine output, blood transfusion requirement, hospital stay, postoperative fever and need for peripartum hysterectomy. Results: There was not statistically significant difference between their additional uterotonic need but preoperative and postoperative 24th hour hemoglobin reduction, calculated estimated blood loss and platelet count diminution percentage were significantly lower in the carbetocin group compared to oxytocin group (p=0.044; p=0.042; p=0.004, respectively). Besides that, the rate of blood loss of ≥500 mL was lower but not significantly different in patients receiving carbetocin compared to those using oxytocin (p=0.059) and the duration to reach 1,500 cc urine output of carbetocin group was significantly lower than the oxytocin group (p=0.001). Conclusion: Carbetocin appears to be more effective in the hemoglobin reduction, platelet reduction and calculated estimated blood loss. In addition, another advantage of carbetocin is that it has lower negative effects on urine output than oxytocin. It is noteworthy that carbetocin administration can prevent postpartum hemorrhage in appropriate cases.
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