E-ISSN: 2619-9467

Year 1993 - Volume 3 - Issue 3

Open Access

Peer Reviewed

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Effect Of Buserelin Therapy On Stage Or II And Surgery Plus Buserelin Therapy On Stage III Or IV Endometriosis Scare
İleri Endometriosisli Olgularda Kombine (Cerrahi+Buserelin) Tedavi ile Hafif Endometriosisli Olgularda Buserelin Tedavisinin Endometriosis Skoruna Etkisi

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Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst. 1993;3(3):242-7

Article Language: TR
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Bu çalışmada laparoskopi ile endometriosis tanısı konulan 40 infertil olgulda AFS'nin endometriosis sınıflamasına göre evre III ve IV olan 14 olguya konservatif cerrahi+postoperatif buserelin tedavisi; evre I ve II olan 26 olguya ise yalnızca buserelin verilmiştir. Bütün olgular da 200 µgr/gün subkutan enjeksiyon formunda buserelin, 6 ay süre ile verilmiş ve 6. ayın sonunda second look laparoskopi yapılmıştır. Orta ve ileri endometriosisli 14 olgunun total endometriosis skor ortalamasında kombine tedavi sonrası %51'lik bir düşme (p< 0.05), minimal ve hafif endometriosisli 26 olgunun 6 aylık buserilin tedavisi sonrası ise total endometriosis skor ortalamasında %42'lik bir düşme (p< 0.05) saptanmıştır. Bütün olgularda serum FSH ve LH değerleri 4. hafta sonunda erken folliküler faz düzeylerine serum E2 değerleri ise menopazal düzeylere inmiştir. Her iki grupta da belirgin düzeylerde semptomatik düzelme görülmüştür. Sıcak basması, baş ağrısı, vaginal kuruluk, libido kaybı gibi yan etkilerin hepsi olgularca kolaylıkla tolere edilmiş ve hiçbir olguda tedavi yarıda kesilmemiştir.
Forty subjectis with laparoscopically verified endometrisosis were enrolled in this study. After the convervative surgery, postoperative buserelin was given in 14 cases with stage III ve IV endometriosis according to the AFS clasification. Buserelin was also offered in 26 cases with stage I or II endometriosis. Buserelin was given at a dosage of 200 µgr/day subcutaneously for 6 months in all cases and at the end of the hormonal theray second look laparoscopy was performed. The decrease of mean total scores of endometriosis was 51%, in 14 cases with moderate or severe disease (p< 0.05). Serum FSH and LH values decreased to the levels of early follicular phase in all cases at the end of forth week. Serum E2 values are lowered to menopausal levels after the first month of therapy. Alleviation of symptoms were significant in both two groups. Side-effects of buserelin i.e. hot flushes, headaches, vaginal dryness, decreased libido were well tolerated in all subjects and the therapy was not half-finished in any case.