E-ISSN: 2619-9467

Year 1993 - Volume 3 - Issue 4

Open Access

Peer Reviewed

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Prophylaxis With Cefoxitin In Caesarean Section Cases
Seksiyo Sezaryen Olgularında Cefoxitin ile Profilaksi

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Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst. 1993;3(4):297-300

Article Language: TR
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Sezaryen olgularında Cefoxitin ile profilaksi, ampisilinin tedavi dozu ile kıyaslanmıştır. Çalışma grubunda 123 hastadan 63'ünde Cefoxitin göbek kordonu klempe edildikten sonra 1 gr, İV, 4 ve 8 saat sonra 1'er gr İV toplam 3 gr İV yapılmış, kontro grubundaki 60 hastaya ise operasyondan sonra 4x1 gr Ampisilin (İM ve oral) uygulanmıştır. 1. grupta postoperatif morbidite %8 iken kontrol grubunda %28 olarak bulunmuştur. Cefoxitin hastalar tarafından iyi tolerek edilmiş, yan etki ve aşırı duyarlılık görülmemiştir.
In this study prophylaxis with cefoxitin in caesarean section was compared with therapeutic dose of ampicillin 63 of 123 patients were enrolled in study group and was administered 1 gr IV Cefoxitin after umbilical cord was clamped and 4 and 8 hours after operation 1 gr IV were used. In the control group 60 patients received Ampicillin 4x1 gr (IM and oral) dose after operation. In the first group postoperative morbidity was 8% but in the control group it was found 38%. Cefoxitin was well tolerated by the patients and no patient showed side effects or hypersensitivity.