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Retrospective Outcome of 30 Patients Prenatally Diagnosed with Single Umbilical Artery
Received: 19 Jul 2020 | Received in revised form: 01 Nov 2020
Accepted: 22 Dec 2020 | Available online: 08 Feb 2021Gülenay GENÇOSMANOĞLU TÜRKMENa, Zehra VURAL YILMAZa, Pınar TOKDEMİR ÇALIŞ a, Çağanay SOYSALa, İrem TERİNa, Cemre ÇELİKa, İsmail Burak GÜLTEKİNa, Elif AKKAŞ YILMAZa, Tuncay KÜÇÜKÖZKANa
aClinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Health Sciences Dr. Sami Ulus Maternity and Children's Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, TURKEY
J Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2021;31(1):1-5
DOI: 10.5336/jcog.2020-78152
Article Language: EN
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Objective: Single umbilical artery (SUA) in fetus have shown to be associated with structural anomalies, chromosomal disorders and growth restiction. In this study, we aimed to present the obstetric outcomes in fetuses with SUA. Material and Methods: In this retrospective study, obstetric results of 30 patients diagnosed with SUA over a 2-year period were analyzed. Results: There were 30 cases of prenatally diagnosed SUA. Twenty eight patients had singleton pregnancies and 2 had dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies. The gestational week at the time of diagnosis varied between 15 and 24 weeks, with the mean week of diagnosis at 21 weeks. Additional ultrasonographic findings accompanying the SUA were detected in 13 patients (43%). Minor abnormalities (renal pelviectasia, choroid plexus cyst, persistant right umbilical vein) were detected in 4 patients in this group. More than one abnormality was detected in 7 fetuses. Structural abnormalities were distributed as follows: cardiovascular system abnormalities in 9 fetuses, musculoskeletal abnormalities in 3 fetuses, urogenital system abnormalities in 3 fetuses, central nervous system abnormalities in 4 fetuses and gastrointestinal system abnormalities in 2 fetuses. Chromosomal abnormalities were detected in 3 fetuses. Intrauterin growth restiriction was not detected in isolated SUA patients and also no chromosomal abnormality was detected in this group. Conclusion: Umbilical arteries of fetus should be checked during detailed ultrasound examination. Detailed fetal anatomic examination should include fetal echocardiography. During fetal echocardiography, fetal venous system must also carefully be examined.
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