E-ISSN: 2619-9467

Year 1998 - Volume 8 - Issue 2

Open Access

Peer Reviewed

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Significance Of Dna Flow Cytometricanalysis In Patients With Genital Cancer
Genital Kanserli Hastalarda Flow Sitometrik DNA Analizinin Önemi

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Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst. 1998;8(2):107-12

Article Language: TR
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, genital tümörlerden over, serviks, endometrium kanserlerinde Flow sitometri (anöploidi oranı,diploid ve anöploid piklerde DNA indeks, S-fazı oranları) parametreleri ile tümör stage ve gradei arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Çalışmanın yapıldığı yer: SSK Göztepe Eğitim Hastanesi, 11.Kadın-Doğum Kliniği/İST Materyel ve metod: Hastaneye başvuran ve yapılan incelemeler sonucu over, endometrium ve serviks kanseri tanısı konulan toplam 34 olgu, FİGO evreleme sistemine göre evrelendirildi, histopatolojik inceleme, gradeleme ve DNA Flow sitometrik inceleme yapıldı (diploidi.anöploidi tetraploidi oranları, G0,G1 ,G2, M, S-fazı, DNA indeksi). Bulgular: 34 olgunun 18i Over tm idi.ortalama yaşları 48.8, evrelere göre 1c ve yukarısı 9 olgu, Flow sitometrik DNA analizine göre %39 (7 olguda diploid, 9 olguda (%50)anöploid, 2 olgu tetraploidi idi. Ortalama DNA indeksi veS-fazı diploid tm de 0.9444 ve %21.7 iken anoplid tm de 1.6465 ve %33.15 olarak bulundu.34 olgunun 7si Endometrium Calı idi. Ort.yaşı 50.71, %89.29u diploid, %10.71 anöploid bulundu. Diploid pikte DNA indeksleri ve S-fazları ort. 1 ve 21.15 iken anöploid pikte ise 0.78 ve 18.32 bulundu. 34 olgunun 7si Serviks kanseri idi. Ort yaşı 60.25 idi, DNA incelemede olguların %70.55i diploid, %29.45i anöploid olarak saptandı. Diploid ve anöploid tümörlerde DNA indeksleri ve S- faz oaranları sırasıyla 1, %19.06, 1.09 ve %4.4 bulundu. Sonuç: Sadece over tümörlerinde grade artıkca anöploidi oranının artığını saptandı. Bunun dışında, genital tümörlerden over,serviks,endometrium kanserlerinde Flow sitometri(anöploidi oranı, diploid ve anöploid piklerde DNA indeks, S-fazı oranları) parametreleri ile tümör stage ve gradei arasında bir ilişki saptanmamıştır.
Objectives: To investigate the relationship between the stage, and grade of genital tumors in ovarian, cervical, endometrial and malignancies and DNA flow cytometry parameters known as aneuploidy ratio, DNA index at diploid and aneupliod peaks, and S phase fraction. Material and Method: This study is conducted in SSK Göztepe Educational Hospital at the Department of 2 nd Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic. 34 patients diagnosed to have ovarian, cervical, endometrial, and vulvar malignancies are staged according to FIGO staging system. Specimens obtained at surgery had histopathologic examination and grading, and DNA flow cytometric examination was used to determine ploidy, DNA index, S phase fraction, and G0, G1, M phase ratios. Findings: Among 34 patients 18 had ovarian cancer, their mean age was 48,8 years and 9 of them were over stage 1c. At flow cytometry, 7 (39%) of patients were diploid, 9 (50%) were aneuploid and 2 were tetraploid. While mean DNA index and S phase fraction in diploid tumors were 0.9444 and 21.7% respectively, they were 1.6465 and 33.15% in aneuploid tumors. Seven cases with endometriun cancer had a mean age of 50.71 years, 89.29% had diploid and 10.71% had aneuploid tumors. While mean DNA index and S phase fraction at diploid peak were 1 and 21.15% respectively, they were 0.78 and 18.32% at aneuploid peak. The mean age of 7 cases of cervical cancer was 60.25, 70.55% of them had diploid and 29.45 % had aneuploid tumors. DNA index and S phase fraction in diploid and aneupliod tumors were 1, and 19.06% and 1.09, and 4.4 % respectively. Results: Aneuploidy ratio increases as grade increases in ovarian cancer. No any other relationship between the stage, and grade of genital tumors of ovarian, cervical, endometrial, DNA flow cytometry parameters known as aneuploidy ratio, DNA index at diploid and aneupliod peaks, and S phase fraction is found.