E-ISSN: 2619-9467

Year 1993 - Volume 3 - Issue 2

Open Access

Peer Reviewed

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The Features Of Clinical Findings In Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM Seropositive Mother And Newborn
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM (+) Seropozitif Anne ve Yenidoğanda Klinik Bulguların Özellikleri

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Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst. 1993;3(2):105-12

Article Language: TR
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Bu çalışmada, CMV IgM pozitif 44 annenin gebelik sonuçları incelenmiş ve kordon serumunda CMV IgM pozitif 30 olgunun varlığı saptanmıştır. Kordon serumunda CMV IgG ve IgM, 24 olguda birlikte pozitif iken, 6 olguda CMV IgM pozitif, CMV IgG negatif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu arada hidrosefali, anensefali, ekstremite anomalileri prematürite, ölü doğum ve abortusta CMV infeksiyonlarının etkinliği tartışılmıştır. Bu şekilde klinik ve laboratuvar bulgularının uyumu gözden geçirilmiştir.
In this study, the pregnancy outcomes of 44 CMV IgM positive mothers, was searched and in cord sera CMV IgM positive 30 subjects were found. In cord sera both CMV IgG and IgM was positive in 24 subjects. In 6 subjects CMV IgM was positive and CMV IgG was negative. At the same time, the effects of CMV infection in hydrocephalus, anencephaly, anomalies of extremities, prematurity, stillbirth and abortus was discussed. In this way the accordance of clinical and laboratory findings was scrutinized.