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Three In Vivo Fertilization Techniques In Unexplained Infertility and Male Factor Infertility: Direct Intrapreitoneal Insemination, Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion and Intrauterine Insemination
İzah Edilemeyen İnfertilite Ve Erkek Faktörü Olgularında Üç Farklı İn Vivo Fertilizasyon Tekniği: Direkt İntraperitoneal İnseminasyon, Fallop Tüplerine Sperm Perfüzyonu Ve İntrauterin İnseminasyon
*SSK Maternity Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infertility and Endocrinology Unit, Ankara TURKEY**Haugesund Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, IVF and Otheer Assisted Reproductive Techniques Unit, Haugesund, NORWAY
Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst. 1994;4(2):104-8
Article Language: TR
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Amaç: İzah edilemeyen infertilite ve erkek faktörü olgularında üç farklı in-vivo fertilizasyon tekniğinin sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Çalışmanın Yapıldığı Yer: Haugesund Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecolog, IVF and Other Asisted Reproductive Techniques Unit, Haugesund, Norway. Materyel ve Metod: İzah edilemeyen infertilite ve erkek faktörü olan 73 infertil çifte toplam 89 gonadotropin stimülasyon siklusunda intrauterin inseminasyon (IUI), direkt intraperitoneal inseminasyon (RIPI) ve fallop tüplerine sperm perfüzyonu (FSP) olmak üzere üç farklı in-vivo fertilizasyon tekniği uygulanarak sonuçlar kıyaslandı. Bulgular: İzah edilemeyen infertilite grubunda DIPI ile 14 tedavi siklusunda 6 gebelik elde edildi (%42.8). Aynı grupta FSP ile 16 siklusta 4 gebelik elde edildi (%21.6). IUI grubunda ise 12 tedavi siklusunda sadece 1 gebelik elde edildi (%8.3) ve spontan abortus ile sonlandı. Male faktör grubunda 19 çifte 31 tedavi siklusunda IUI uygulandı ve sadece 2 gebelik elde edildi (%6.5). DIPI ile 8 çifte 9 tedavi siklusu uygulandı ve 2 gebelik elde edildi (%22.2). FSP uygulaması ile 7 çifte 7 tedavi siklusu uygulanması ile 2 gebelik elde edildi (%28.6). Sonuç: Hem izah edilemeyen infertilite hem de male faktör grubunda IUI yöntemi uygulandığında gebelik oranı oldukça düşük bulundu. DIPI yöntemi uygulandığında özellikle izah edilemeyen infertilite grubunda IUI yöntemine kıyasla daha yüksek gebelik oranları elde edildi (P 0.05).
Objective: Evaluation of the results of three in-vivo fertilisation techniques in explained infertility and male factor infertiliy: Direct intraperitoneal insemination. Fallopian tube sperm perfusion and intrauterine insemination. Institution: Haugesund Hospital, Department of Obsterics and Gynecology, IVF and Other Reproductive Techniques Unit, Haugesund, Norway. Material and Methods: In 73 couples with unexplained infertility and male factor infertility, three asisted reproductive techniques were applied to a total of 89 gonadotropin stimulated cycles. Three different in-vivo fertilisation techniques were used [Intrauterine insemination (IUI), Fallopian tube sperm perfusion (FSP) and direct intraperitoneal insemination (DIPI)]. Findings: In the unexplained infertility group six pregnancies were obtained in a total of fourteen treatment cycles with DIPI (42.8%). In the same group one pregnancy was obtained in the IUI group in a total of twelve treatment cycles (22.2%). FSP was employed yielding four pregnancies from a total of sixteen treatment cycles (21.6%). In the male factor group with 31 treatment cycles, two pregnancies were achieved with the IUI method (6.5%). In the same group two pregnancies method (6.5%). In the same group two pregnancies were obtained in total of nine treatment cycles in the DIPI group (22.2%). The FSP tehnique was employed yielding two pregnancies from a total of seven treatment cycles. Results: When the IUI method was employed, the pregnancy rate was quite low in both the unexplained and male factor infertility group. The clinical pregnancy rate from the DIPI method was higher than that obtained from the IUI method in the unexplained infertility group (P 0.05).