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The Role of HPV Infection in the Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Hpv İnfeksiyonunun Servikal İntraepitelyal Neoplazideki Rolü
İlkkan DÜNDER*, Selda SEÇKİN**, Sevgi TEZCAN*, Fırat ORTAÇ*, Fehmi AKSOY**, Hikmet YAVUZ*
* University of Ankara, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics **Ankara Numune Hospıtal, Department of Pathology, ANKARA
Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst. 1992;2(3):185-6
Article Language: TR
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 by Türkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Vaginal akıntı ve postkoital kanama yakınmaları ile başvuran 50 hasta klinik ve kolposkopik olarak değerlendirildiler. Kolposkopik muayene sırasında alınan smear biopsi örnekleri 39 vakada Servikal İntraepitelyal Neoplazi Grade I (CIN I), 11 vakada Servikal İntraepitelyal Neoplazi Grade II (CIN II) olarak tanı aldılar. 39 CIN I'li hastanın onüçünde, 11 CIN II'li hastanın sitopatolojik bulgular HPV infeksiyonu bulgularını saptamada biopsinin önemi ve gerekliliği belirtildi. Ayrıca, HPV infeksiyonu bulguları olan hastaların CIN yönünden, CIN tanısı alan hastaların da HPV infeksiyonu açısından değerlendirilmesinin önemi vurgulandı.
Fifty patients with the complaints of vaginal discharge and postcoital bleeding were evaluated clinically and colposcopically. Biopsy specimens and smears were taken during colposcopic examination and were diagnosed as Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade I (CIN I) in 39 and Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade II (CIN II) in 11 cases. The cytopathologic findings in 13 of 39 cases with CIN II were consistent with dysplasia and HPV infection in cases which were clinically suspicious was confirmed. On the other hand, besides the evaluation of patients with the findings of HPV infection for coexisting CIN, the importance of assessment of patients with the diagnosis of CIN for HPV infection was emphasized.